This topic is something I definitely wanted to share with everyone. Deciding to become gluten free and dairy free was a choice I made earlier this year. I have had stomach issues since I was around six years old and after many doctors appointments they could not figure out why. This past summer I noticed how I would be nauseous or have stomach pain after almost every meal. I could not figure out why and even went to get test done. However, once again they could not figure out why this was happening. I decided to take out dairy first since personally I don’t like many dairy items anyways. I noticed without diary my stomach pains were not as bad but I was still getting nauseous. So I decided to cut out gluten as much as I could and noticed a huge change in my nausea. This decision to cut out both diary and gluten was all made on my own and I believe it has helped my stomach problems so much! Overall, you know your body the best and this decision I made has been hard at times but helped my health so much!!

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